Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 10 Baby Blues

Three shy babies!  Their eyes are not quite fully open. 

In my front driveway this morning, I stumbled across two tiny dead baby birds.  It appears that the Mockingbird nest in the holly tree next to the driveway was disturbed, and the babies were scattered.  Mama Mockingbird had a worm in her mouth and was looking all around.  Nature is harsh!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Alabama Birds

Birdwatching at my parent's house in Alabama is such a joy!

The Canadian Geese are always present.

Robins and bluebirds too...hanging out on a wire!


A hummingbird who was so close I could almost reach out and touch it!

Finally, I was really excited to get a photo of a new bird...a brown thrush!

Back at home, the baby bluebirds seem to be doing well!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I See Three

Three baby birds!  Looks like one egg left unhatched.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Daddy Daycare

Daddy Bluebird is taking good care of his babies by bringing them food. 

The babies seem to be doing well!  It still looks like only two.

Meanwhile, two mockingbirds scuffled before a storm arrived.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Waiting Again

I checked the bluebird nest a few days ago, and all four eggs were intact.  Mama bluebird was on the nest this morning.

Dad stops by periodically to feed the female or check on progress. 

The Robin was back on the nest in the front yard, and the resident Mockingbird is hanging out in a holly bush nearby.  This Mockingbird struck a patriotic pose on the end of our flag pole!

I've noticed a few more hummingbirds, but nothing like the numbers of past years.

And, we wait.