Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Red for V-Day

There are few things as beautiful as a Cardinal in the snow.  Unfortunately, it rarely snows in this area of Tennessee.  So, here are some Cardinal pics without the snow.  Still beautiful!


Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A New Year

The backyard was quiet until I added seeds to the feeder to start the new year.  What a burst of activity:  six brown sparrows, five black-eyed juncos, four american golfinches, three tufted titmice, two red cardinals, and a big fat robin in a tree!

Let's start with my favorite.  I have never seen so many tufted titmice at one time--and they have never been so accommodating for pictures.  I was in heaven. 

More pictures from the feeder to come soon!

Slacker Disappointment

How is it possible that I have not posted to this blog since July 2012??  I'm blaming this slacking on two things:  1) my husband's return from his deployment; and 2) two cute little dogs that have been keeping me entertained.  With that said, I have a lot of catching up to do!

The hummingbird season was a light one.  This guy was the only regular, and he diligently guarded my feeders. 

He must have been the biggest bully in the hummingbird kingdom because I only saw a few others that dared to invade the backyard.

I did catch this little lady with pollen on her head...

And this handsome gent...

but this was the largest group I saw all summer.

They were gone by early October.  Disappointing.